Get to know us more

Whether scouting cultural enclaves with next-generation artists or venturing into uncharted wilderness with conservation experts, to travel with Travely is to connect your journey with purpose.

We carefully select partners that have a marked positive impact on the ground and deliver unique, transformative experiences. And by adhering to our principles of transparency and purpose, Travely shakes up the traditional tour operator business model to offer competitive prices while sending more revenue to the places and communities that need it most.

Why Book with Us

Unforgettable experiences

Firstly, to shake up the traditional business model with reduced commissions and honest financial dealings. Secondly, by being open about our world's climate and biodiversity crises and our role in providing solutions rather than additional problems.

Positive impact

Firstly, to shake up the traditional business model with reduced commissions and honest financial dealings. Secondly, by being open about our world's climate and biodiversity crises and our role in providing solutions rather than additional problems.

Transparency and Fairness

Firstly, to shake up the traditional business model with reduced commissions and honest financial dealings. Secondly, by being open about our world's climate and biodiversity crises and our role in providing solutions rather than additional problems.


Firstly, to shake up the traditional business model with reduced commissions and honest financial dealings. Secondly, by being open about our world's climate and biodiversity crises and our role in providing solutions rather than additional problems.

How we work

Creating your trip

Send us an enquiry through our website or call us to start planning your dream trip. Tell us about your wants, passions, and as many details as possible.

Our Travel Researchers will then get creative piecing together the perfect itinerary to inspire you, choosing lodges that make a positive impact and tailoring experiences.

Perfecting ityour trip

We’ll send you a personal itinerary which we hope you’ll love with all the logistics and availability worked out, fine tuning it with you until it’s perfect.


Once you’re happy, you can pay a deposit to secure your booking (usually 30% depending on the trip) which covers deposits for accommodation, flights and conservation fees. The full balance is required 10 weeks before your travel.

We have an open, competitive pricing structure that ensures more money goes to where it's needed in the destination which we are more than happy to explain if you’d like to know more.

Pre trip support

In the run-up to your trip, we’re on hand to answer any questions you may have, make restaurant reservations and arrange any extra experiences. Before you fly, we’ll call you to run through the trip and wish you a bon voyage.

During your trip

You will be met by one of our partners on the ground on arrival. If there are any hiccups, such as delayed flights, you’ll have a phone number and email address for emergencies. We’re also happy to help if you have any non-urgent questions. Otherwise, relax, explore, learn and enjoy!

After you get home

We have an open, competitive pricing structure that ensures We’d love to chat after your return to hear all about your adventure. What you loved and what we can do to improve - your feedback helps us ensure our trips are unforgettable. Where next?
